Each month we will be posting an overview article that covers our recent company articles, announcements, and insights. Below is for the month of August.

Weekly Cash Flow and Borrowing Base Forecasting (Webinar)
As a lender, how do you convince a borrower to utilize a weekly cash management tool? And, if they have a weekly cash flow, how do you evaluate its accuracy and reasonableness?
In this webinar we discuss how to convince a borrower to develop and use a weekly cash flow tool, and how to evaluate a weekly cash flow you have received from a borrower or the borrower’s consultants.

What is happening with the Main Street Loan Programs?
Many of us have been wondering what has been happening with the Main Street Loan Programs. Focus Management Group has put out a series of updates for the MSLP along the way to make sure you stay informed.
In this article we breakdown the loan statistics such as the total participation amount and how many loans have been settled vs loans still under review.

ABF Journal Runs our "Third Quarter of 2020 Brings New Opportunities for Lenders" article
We recently had published an article on the successes and opportunities we have been seeing now that businesses are starting their return back to normal. You can find our original version of the article below, as well as the version run by ABF Journal.

Managing a Lending Relationship Through a Bankruptcy Process
According to Fortune magazine, the ten industries with the largest number of bankruptcy filings so far in 2020 include categories you would expect based on the headlines.
This anticipated increase in bankruptcy filings means lenders will be challenged to manage an increasing number of borrower relationships through the bankruptcy planning process and during the bankruptcy.

What Should Lenders Be Asking Now? Updated August 18, 2020
Two months ago we discussed the questions that lenders should be asking their borrowers as borrowers were beginning to finalize their June 30, 2020 results and report the initial impact of the Covid shutdown and the CARES Act program funds. With the end of August around the corner, the second quarter results and even July 2020 results are available.
It is time to consider updating and expanding discussions with borrowers looking toward the remainder of 2020.

Perry Kalajian Joins Focus Management Group
Focus Management Group (FMG), a nationwide turnaround and restructuring firm, is excited to announce they have elevated their team with the addition of Perry Kalajian. Perry will serve as a Senior Managing Director to meet the firm’s growing activity levels for its turnaround management team and corporate restructuring services.